14 May 2011

Garden: Week 3

The garden survived our trip to Utah. The onions and peas are sprouting and looking great. Unfortunately a couple of our bok choy plants have bolted, probably due to a few warm days without enough water. Ah well.

Putting in perennials. RIP little spade. They don't weld 'em like they used to.

We went out to the garden last night and planted our perennial herbs and strawberries, plus dill, chives, peas, radish and carrot seeds. Here's my latest photoshopped masterpiece:

Yet to plant: tomatoes, green beans(?), tomatoes, ground cherries, tomatoes, peppers, tomatoes, sunflowers and tomatoes. The garden fence goes in next week, and sometime after that we'll probably get the rest of the garden planted. WOOHOO!!! We're getting there!

On a related note, here is an interesting article on the monetary value of a home garden. Pretty neat to see the numbers laid out.

It's coming together nicely. I'm excited to compare this photo to our big, lush garden in August. The plants are ready - bring on the rain!

1 comment:

Daktari said...

I am terribly jealous. Copious amounts of rain and now distracting job interviews have prevented me from tilling my garden. My poor tomatoes are falling over in their pots and gathering brown spots. It's sad, really.